Alternative Proteins Africa

Embracing Change: Transitioning from APA to MVA

Alternative Proteins Africa (APA) has been committed to championing a remarkable change in adopting plant-based diets by fostering knowledge and practices that advance the alternative protein sector in Africa. Today, we are delighted to announce a significant development in our journey to promoting healthier and sustainable food choices on the continent: the transitioning of APA to My Vegan Africa (MVA).

Why was APA established?

APA was established as a project output of the parent organisation, One Health and Development Initiative (OHDI), to address major health and sustainability concerns associated with animal-source proteins in Africa. Intensive animal agriculture negatively impacts the environment, human, and animal health. Through the emission of greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous in livestock production, animal agriculture contributes significantly to the climate change crisis. Moreso, animal protein production is inefficient in terms of utilising resources such as water and land.

Additionally, animal-based diets, particularly those high in red and processed meats, have been linked to an increase in the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, cancer, and high blood pressure. Therefore, a major dietary change that reduces the overdependence on animal-based protein and diversifies our protein sources is crucial.

The Alternative Proteins Africa (APA) project has been implementing the mandate by being a resource hub for information and promoting public awareness and education on these issues. 

Why the transition?

The decision to transition to MVA, a newly established social enterprise, originates from our commitment to clarity and purpose. First, APA’s parent organisation, OHDI, has long been at the forefront of animal health, animal welfare, and One Health initiatives through its high-impact programmes and interventions. Such interventions particularly include improving the welfare standards and practices of currently existing livestock farms that house millions of farmed animals in Nigeria. So, the transition to a separate legal entity that seeks to eliminate the consumption and use of animals will mitigate the potential conflicts of interest associated with the impactful work that OHDI is doing to improve the welfare of animals in existing cruelty conditions or factory farm settings.

Secondly, the transition to MVA considerably expands the scope of reach and impact from Nigeria (which is OHDI’s primary country of focus) to the entire continent of Africa. We believe that the vegan or alternative proteins ecosystem in Africa faces considerably similar challenges and proffer similar opportunities for growth, movement building and awareness.

Furthermore, as a social enterprise, MVA enjoys the privilege of expanding the vegan business ecosystem – a core gap limiting vegan foods adoption and ecosystem in Africa. This approach will enable us to drive impactful change in the long run across the public and private sectors, improving public-private partnerships while also strengthening the vegan business ecosystems and value chain on the continent. Likewise, with MVA as a social enterprise, this will provide opportunities to render value-added services that will guarantee sustainable income flow that will help the organisation to thrive irrespective of the availability of external funding and grants. It will also provide additional opportunities for investments and collaborations. 

What does this change mean?

While MVA takes the lead in advancing movement building and community engagement, strengthening vegan commerce, supply chains and innovation, providing health support and other associated value-added services. APA will remain dedicated to conducting and reporting essential research and providing education and training to transition food systems in Africa from animal-based to sustainable vegan/plant-based systems. APA as a project will also continue to benefit from the nonprofit status of OHDI. This change will allow us to focus our efforts and maximise the impact of both organisations.

What does MVA stand for?

My Vegan Africa (MVA) is a venture that aims to provide information, support, and services for anyone exploring, transitioning, or staying vegan in Africa. It offers an inclusive community for everyone regardless of their stage in the plant-based transition journey. We are excited to promote a lifestyle that improves health, sustains our ecosystems, and supports livelihoods through our various services that cut across commerce, health, training, and community building.  

Moving forward together

This transition marks a new chapter in our journey, and it will enable us to make a greater impact in Africa. By embracing this change, we are better positioned to address the complex challenges of our time, from environmental sustainability to food security to public health, through innovative solutions and collaborative efforts. We appreciate your support and look forward to its continuance.

For more information about My Vegan Africa (MVA) and our ongoing initiatives, please visit My Vegan Africa’s website.

Also, follow My Vegan Africa (MVA)’s growing community on Instagram and LinkedIn.

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