Alternative Proteins Africa


What have you heard about alternative proteins? Perhaps that they are merely an overhyped movement in the food ecosystem and will soon phase out. This is, however, far from the reality. Alternative protein, borne out of the recent call for healthier, just, and sustainable food options, has become essential as we work toward a sustainable food system. 


So many things are changing around us, and so must be our approach without the exemption of how and what we eat; after all, change is the only constant thing. Alternative proteins have, therefore, emerged as an appealing solution to tackle some of the challenges of our food systems. Indeed, cautious times deserve cautious approaches!

To drive home the point, let’s make a brief digression. Years back, fossil fuels, which are decomposed and accumulated remains of animals and plants rich in carbon, were discovered as a significant energy source and currently supply about 80% of the world’s energy. Many engines depend on this kind of fuel, from diesel-powered vehicles to gasoline-powered generators. However, the environmental concerns of fossil fuels, largely due to their contributions to climate change and the consequent effect on our health, have warranted an increased call for clean and environmentally safe energy sources such as solar energy. This is an instance of addressing a dire situation with the right measures.

Now, consider alternative proteins as the ‘solar’ of our food system. Our food ecosystem raises health, environmental, and animal welfare concerns, thus questioning its sustainability. If we must attend to these concerns, adopting alternative protein sources is vital, especially now that we know that our food choices have broader implications.

Alternative proteins explore non-animal-based sources of protein. Why this, you may ask? Changing how we depend on animals as the primary protein sources in our food choices is one of those changes we need to make. This ensures that what and how we eat are not at the expense of a sustainable present and future.

How to incorporate alternative proteins into daily diets

Making changes, especially from what we most prefer and are used to, can be demanding and overwhelming. However, adopting alternative proteins does not have to be. We present some practical steps you can employ to have a manageable transition.

1.Start gradually: Of course, transitioning to a diet that contains more alternative protein doesn’t have to happen overnight. Simple and gradual changes can make a lot of difference. You are making a conscious and remarkable effort by deliberately reducing your meat intake to allow for more plant options. Some plant protein sources you can incorporate into your diet include legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

2. Learn more about food recipes: Make deliberate efforts to learn about some available recipes that provide sufficient proteins. There are online resources that can help you learn about some fantastic plant-based recipes. The goal is to explore recipes and cooking techniques that suit your preferences while meeting your protein demand.

3. Embrace diversity in dishes: This is one exciting way to make you adopt more alternative proteins. You can embrace a variety of other available options that ordinarily wouldn’t have been your choice. This allows one to explore a broader range of culinary options. In some cases, the perfect combination of meals can give just the needed amount of proteins. 


To tackle the problems of our existing food system and work towards a healthier and sustainable ecosystem, never say you can’t contribute. With the right step of reducing heavy dependence on animal-sourced food and incorporating more alternative proteins into your diets, you are reducing the environmental footprint of animal agriculture, improving your health, and contributing to kinder animal welfare practices. As we navigate concerns about sustainability, health, and the ethical implications of our food sources, adopting alternative proteins emerges as a compelling solution. 

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